Do not drink


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The app gives reliable motivation forever renounce alcohol abuse!If you unbearably wanted to drink, just turn on the app for a few minutes - it is the desire to disappear completely.The application demonstrates the morning of the following user of alcohol abuse of the day when he will remain alone with the toilet. Colorful photos, stream of thoughts and sounds of the groans, suffering from alcoholic hangover, can not remain indifferent and will guide you on the path of healthy living.Suitable for women, adolescents, adult men, at any stage of alcoholism. Is support during abstinence syndrome, it helps to understand the causes of alcohol abuse. It's time to stop drinking. Buha smaller brother, stop, especially if you are in a drinking bout. Heavy drinking is very harmful. Drinking and drunkenness is evil, as delivery of alcohol, alcohol destroys a person, causing him irreparable harm. You can now drop this. Can I drink, think itself if you're ready for this morning. There is no table or encoding of pnstva not help, and our means secure. Prayer and conspiracy from drinking will not help, and this app will help for sure. Folk remedy, so to speak, from alcoholism. Advertise drunkenness husband and wife fight, strongly opposed. And find redemption, purification, help. What they say about it ... After dangers of alcohol is very bad hangover, it just corruption, sin. What alcohol when there is sport. Remember, alcohol addiction - a disease that requires treatment.